Cedar River Bulletin 


Presiding: Bishop Hallam

Conducting:  Brother Huey

Pianist:  Rachel Swallow

Conductor: Hadassah Hanson

Welcome and Announcements: 

Opening Hymn: 124- Be Still, My Soul


Ward Business: 

Sacrament Hymn:  196- Jesus, Once of Humble Birth


Speaker: Lizzie Eaton

Speaker: Mary Eaton

Closing Hymn: 140- Did You Think to Pray?



It is the time of year for tithing declaration!  The term “tithing settlement” has been changed to “tithing declaration.” This change emphasizes that the primary purpose of this interview is to provide members with an opportunity to declare their tithing faithfulness.  Tithing declaration will be primarily a learning experience — especially for children and youth.  Participating in tithing declaration is not required, but is an opportunity for those who would like to meet with me. 

Please sign up at the link below-

Tithing Declaration 2022

Meetinghouse Cleaning

Cedar River Ward is assigned to clean the Meetinghouse from September-December this year.  Look for your assignments in the email that will be sent out.  Upcoming assignments will also be noted in the bulletin. If you have a conflict with your assigned weekend, please trade with another member or family. 

Meetinghouse Cleaning Assignments

October 29

Jason & Jenna Austin

Quist Family

Stephanie Polkinghorn

Sark Family

Shemane Davis

November 5th

Cavanaugh Family

Swallow Family

Cody Trealoff

Kim Hansen

Holly Johnson Family

November 12th

Denver Anderson Family

Curt & Chris Anderson

Joe & Jessica Read

Karie Schatz (alternate)

November 19th

Foster Family

Miles Mitchell

David & Kathy Bullock


Missionaries Serving in Cedar River Ward

Elder Black and Elder Blake-  319-651-6747

Elder Sheppard and Elder Vaden-   319-883-5782

Sister Lancaster and Sister Comstock- 563-800-9266

Please sign up to feed the missionaries!  A calendar will be passed around during the second hour of church, or contact the missionaries directly. 

Missionaries Serving From Our Ward

Hermana Annabelle Hallam

7000 Central Ave

California San Bernardino Mission

Highland, CA 92346 



For appointments with Bishop Hallam or his counselors please contact Shane Cavanaugh at shanecav@gmail.com or 319-491-6394

For appointments with the Stake Presidency please contact Benjamin Forsyth at benjamin.forsyth@uni.edu or 319-575-0119

Upcoming Calendar

Primary Activity Day is held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. 

Ward Halloween Party October 26th 7 pm at the church.

Ward Christmas Part- December 

Temple Information

The Nauvoo temple will be closed Monday, 26 September 2022 - Monday, 24 October 2022. 

 For information on scheduling, please visit the Nauvoo Temple Website

Temple Phone Number-217-453-6252 

Social Media

Other information

The Addiction Recovery Program meets weekly at 7 pm in the Primary Room at the stake center.  

The meetings may be joined by Zoom as well.  Meeting ID 98653940074 Passcode 400769

For more information contact Elder and Sister Griffith 563-260-1838

For Questions or to add announcements to the bulletin, please contact Sister Olivia Hallam- cedarriverbulletin@gmail.com