Cedar River Bulletin 

April 30, 2023


Conducting:  Bishop Ezra Hallam

Pianist:  Rachel Swallow

Conductor: Bekah Miller

Welcome and Announcements: 

Opening Hymn: 239 - Choose the Right


Ward Business: 

Sacrament Hymn: 194 - There Is a Green Hill Far Away


Speaker: Arlene Sark

Speaker: James Hixson

Closing Hymn: 249 - Called to Serve


Upcoming Calendar


There is a ward temple trip May 6th for ward members. New members will be doing proxy baptisms from 10am to 11am  but all ward members are invited and encouraged  to attend. Ward members need to make their own reservations with the temple. Contact Terry Matta < t.matta459@gmail.com> with any comments or questions.


Missionaries Serving in Cedar River Ward

Elder Blake and Elder Vaden-   319-883-5782

Please sign up to feed the missionaries!  A calendar will be passed around during the second hour of church, or contact the missionaries directly. 

Missionaries Serving From Our Ward


For appointments with Bishop Hallam or his counselors please contact Shane Cavanaugh at shanecav@gmail.com or 319-491-6394

For appointments with the Stake Presidency please contact Benjamin Forsyth at benjamin.forsyth@uni.edu or 319-575-0119

Temple Information

For information on scheduling, please visit the Nauvoo Temple Website

Temple Phone Number-217-453-6252 

Social Media

Other information

The Addiction Recovery Program meets weekly at 7 pm in the Primary Room at the stake center.  

The meetings may be joined by Zoom as well.  Meeting ID 98653940074 Passcode 400769

For more information contact Elder and Sister Griffith 563-260-1838

For Questions or to add announcements to the bulletin, please contact Sister Olivia Hallam- cedarriverbulletin@gmail.com